Terracon + Oracle

Terracon + Oracle

An in-room sales experience that illustrated our differentiators

The challenge: A sales pursuit with Terracon was stalling. How could we communicate that Oracle understood their business and was ready to help them explore their tomorrow?

The solution: We pulled out the stops with a highly personalized experience approach to show Terracon that Oracle prioritizes their business.

  • In-meeting sketch artists creating live infographics to bring our messaging to life

  • A jigsaw coaster set for attendees to use during the meeting and take home after to remember Oracle’s benefits

  • A branded leave-behind infused with a creative reimagining of the Terracon logo

  • A send-after flipping book that reinforced messaging and included a personal touch from the sales representative.

I did creative direction, Annie Szotkowski did copywriting, Olivia Hsueh art directed.

Oracle and Terracon only met for a day, but we wanted to continue our relationship beyond the face-to-face conversation. We extended our messaging with an emailed Flipping Book that reinforced our key messaging, included a personal note from the sales representative, and recapped the sketch effect experience.

This engagement resulted in a $2.5M ARR win for Oracle.


Oracle Higher Education Summit


AvTech Tyee + Oracle